Offered here at my Massey Ferguson MF30.\rThe tractor is in good original condition ausserordendlich.\rSince nothing is crafted, there is no hanky!\rDemonstrably, he has only 3800 hours of operation.\rTherefore, the whole technology of the machine is incredibly well preserved.\rThe very smooth-running four-cylinder diesel Perkins jumps spontaneously without! Vorglhung on.\rOnly at low temperatures takes 20 sec patience.\rThe electrics, steering, brakes, synchromesh gearbox, the PTO, the limited slip differential and the hydraulics work properly.\rThe sheet metal body parts are in good shape:\rAs the tractor has been kept dry, there are no rust spots. The tractor is not welded.\rFENDER are nice and straight, not dented and torn anywhere.\rOnly the bonnet in the area of the jaw has a small dent.\rThe tractor is sold with a fresh TUV.\rOverall, more than a little critical FriCollectors.\r |