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Loader wagon >> Manufacturers list >> Guldner >> Güldner T2K 1965
Agricultural, Farming and Husbandry Vehilce Pictures and info

Guldner Güldner T2K 1965 Loader wagon

1965 Guldner  Güldner T2K Agricultural vehicle Loader wagon photo
1965 Guldner  Güldner T2K Agricultural vehicle Loader wagon photo 11965 Guldner  Güldner T2K Agricultural vehicle Loader wagon photo 21965 Guldner  Güldner T2K Agricultural vehicle Loader wagon photo 31965 Guldner  Güldner T2K Agricultural vehicle Loader wagon photo 4
1965 Guldner  Güldner T2K Agricultural vehicle Loader wagon photo 51965 Guldner  Güldner T2K Agricultural vehicle Loader wagon photo 61965 Guldner  Güldner T2K Agricultural vehicle Loader wagon photo 71965 Guldner  Güldner T2K Agricultural vehicle Loader wagon photo 8
Click photo to enlarge

Shared by irasokolova on Oct 4,2012
Model ID
Manufacturer (Make)Guldner
Model NameGüldner T2K
CategoryAgricultural vehicle / Loader wagon
Engine Power22 kW (30 PS)
2-cylinder engine Gldner Luftgekhlt, Brall information \Technical data, dimension changes and prior sale.
Eingabefehler are not excluded, please berprfen the information submitted.
Fr further questions we are happy for them Verfgung.
Der sale without any additional calculation of the value added tax (§ 25 a VAT Law).

Loader wagon >> Manufacturers list >> Guldner >> Güldner T2K 1965
Agricultural Equipment Photo and Specs

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