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Stake body >> Manufacturers list >> Multicar >> M25 1980
Light Commercial Vehicle Specs and Pictures

Multicar M25 1980 Stake body

1980 Multicar  M25 Van or truck up to 7.5t Stake body photo
1980 Multicar  M25 Van or truck up to 7.5t Stake body photo 11980 Multicar  M25 Van or truck up to 7.5t Stake body photo 21980 Multicar  M25 Van or truck up to 7.5t Stake body photo 31980 Multicar  M25 Van or truck up to 7.5t Stake body photo 4
Click photo to enlarge

Shared by 8enera on Apr 15,2012
Model ID
Manufacturer (Make)Multicar
Model NameM25
CategoryVan or truck up to 7.5t / Stake body
Fuel TypeDiesel
GearboxManual gearbox
Engine and transmission ok. Platform is in good Zustand.Fahrzeug undocumented. 3 new wheels with a rim to it.

Stake body >> Manufacturers list >> Multicar >> M25 1980
Light Commercial Cargo Transport Specs and Photo

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