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Silo >> Manufacturers list >> Spitzer >> SF 2437-37000 liters, air, lift, platform, ABS 1995
Commercial Trailer Specs and Pictures

Spitzer SF 2437-37000 liters, air, lift, platform, ABS 1995 Silo

1995 Spitzer  SF 2437-37000 liters, air, lift, platform, ABS Semi-trailer Silo photo
1995 Spitzer  SF 2437-37000 liters, air, lift, platform, ABS Semi-trailer Silo photo 1
Click photo to enlarge

Shared by via-vaionen on Sep 26,2012
Model ID
Manufacturer (Make)Spitzer
Model NameSF 2437-37000 liters, air, lift, platform, ABS
CategorySemi-trailer / Silo
Permissible Gross Vehicle Weight(GVWR)34,000 kg
Vehicle Axles3
Shipping Volume37 m³
Permissible Load Capacity (kg)28,720 kg
ABS, seat height approx 1270mm, Sttzwinden Jost, BPW axle (s), side. Collision, 1 storage box, air suspension, lift axle, Siloaufbau f. Rieselgter, one chamber (s), central outlet, 3 Covers and catwalk m. mech. hochklappb. Railing to the tank, hose box, connection to the compressed air discharge.

Silo >> Manufacturers list >> Spitzer >> SF 243737000 liters, air, lift, platform, ABS 1995
Vehicles Equipment Specs and Photo

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