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Mini/Kompact-digger >> Manufacturers list >> Zeppelin >> Schaeff zrh 12 rh 12 Cat 1995
Heavy Equipment and Construction Machinery Specs and Pictures

Zeppelin Schaeff zrh 12 rh 12 Cat 1995 Mini/Kompact-digger

1995 Zeppelin  Schaeff zrh 12 rh 12 Cat Construction machine Mini/Kompact-digger photo
1995 Zeppelin  Schaeff zrh 12 rh 12 Cat Construction machine Mini/Kompact-digger photo 11995 Zeppelin  Schaeff zrh 12 rh 12 Cat Construction machine Mini/Kompact-digger photo 21995 Zeppelin  Schaeff zrh 12 rh 12 Cat Construction machine Mini/Kompact-digger photo 31995 Zeppelin  Schaeff zrh 12 rh 12 Cat Construction machine Mini/Kompact-digger photo 4
Click photo to enlarge

Shared by mika-20 on Oct 22,2012
Model ID
Manufacturer (Make)Zeppelin
Model NameSchaeff zrh 12 rh 12 Cat
CategoryConstruction machine / Mini/Kompact-digger
Hello,\r\rfor sale here is a very well-received mini-excavator.\r\rThe original machine has been running for 918 hours and is therefore in great shape, there is no joint knocked it all works perfectly! The mini excavator is Equipped with a Quick-Coupler and thus, all three spoons, which of course it is rapidly converted to or will. It's a Bucket o teeth 250, a 400-m bucket. Teeth and a 1000 Ditch it. Acitvate verfgt the machine over other hydraulic components such as Hammer / shear or hydraulic grapple, mounted so many other attachments without having to make costly modifications to the excavator to mssen. The excavator is ready NOW! The complete machine has been repainted, so he is almost there as a new device and its operation in wrde einfgen well determined.\r\rFor questions stehe i like to Verfgung

Mini/Kompact-digger >> Manufacturers list >> Zeppelin >> Schaeff zrh12rh12Cat 1995
Construction Vehicle and Earthmovers Specs and Photo

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