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Fiat Commercial Vehicles

(Chassis, Refrigerator box, Box-type delivery van - high and long, Other vans/trucks up to 7, Box-type delivery van - long, Box-type delivery van - high, Stake body, Refrigerator body, Tipper, Three-sided Tipper, Estate - minibus up to 9 seats, Breakdown truck, Box, Stake body and tarpaulin, Box-type delivery van, Clubbus, )
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L4H1 150 hp chassis E5 Chassis20127
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L4H2 120 MultiJet WINTER Refrigerator box20118
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L4H2 130 with tachograph Box-type delivery van - high and long201112
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L4H2 180 Multijet Box-type delivery van - high and long20126
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H2 120 Multijet Other vans/trucks up to 720097
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H2 120 Multijet AIR Other vans/trucks up to 720087
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H2 120 Multijet AIR Box-type delivery van - high and long20122
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H2 130 M-Jet EURO 5 KLIMAAU Box-type delivery van - long201113
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H2 130 MultiJet Box-type delivery van - high and long20119
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H2 150 MJ! AIR! ! Now! Box-type delivery van - high and long20128
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H2 150 MultiJet Box-type delivery van - high and long20119
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H2 150MJET air freight forwarding, Led Box-type delivery van - high and long20116
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H2 160 Mjet 251CG30 Box-type delivery van - high and long20116
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H2 180 Multijet Greater box Box-type delivery van - high and long201210
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H2 270 ° air car interiors Box-type delivery van - high and long20118
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H3 Box-type delivery van - high and long200915
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H3 120 MultiJet Box-type delivery van - high and long201112
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H3 130 EUR 365.00 * Box-type delivery van - high20125
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H3 130 MultiJet Profimobile Plus Box-type delivery van - high and long201114
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H3 130MJet air, shipping, E5 Box-type delivery van - high and long20117
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 L5H3 180 Multijet Greater box Box-type delivery van - high and long20127
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35 Large volume L5H2 130 Box-type delivery van - high and long201112
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35-120 L5 (MY 12) - 125l tank IMMEDIATELY Chassis201115
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35-120 L5 platform (4.2 m) - APC - CD Stake body201112
Fiat Ducato MAXI 35L5 Double Cab 130 MJ Stake body20111
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35L5H2 2.3MJTD 120HP net 10.990Eur Box-type delivery van - high and long200915
Fiat Ducato Maxi 35MJ LH2 Other vans/trucks up to 720097
Fiat Ducato Maxi 4.0 L4 H2 Box-type delivery van - high and long20076
Fiat Ducato Maxi 4.5 ton (-20 degrees) Refrigerator body201115
Fiat Ducato Maxi 40 chassis 130 Multijet Chassis20115
Fiat Ducato Maxi 40 Doka Tipper L4 120 (protection) Tipper201115
Fiat Ducato Maxi 40 Doka Tipper L4 120 (protection) Three-sided Tipper201115
Fiat Ducato Maxi 40 L2 150 Tipper (galvanized construction) Tipper201115
Fiat Ducato Maxi 40 L2 150 Tipper (galvanized construction) Three-sided Tipper201115
Fiat Ducato Maxi 40 L5 180 MultiJet (flatbed) Stake body201112
Fiat Ducato Maxi 6 speed Multijet Euro 4 Box-type delivery van - high and long20064
Fiat Ducato MAXI AIR Estate - minibus up to 9 seats200612
Fiat Ducato Maxi build full-aluminum 177 hp, air Luftfed Breakdown truck201115
Fiat Ducato MAXI CAR NO 64 Box-type delivery van - high and long200810
Fiat Ducato Maxi Car Transporter 177PS MANY EXTRAS Breakdown truck201115
Fiat Ducato Maxi Case 4.05m 1.9 TD - accident - Box199110
Fiat Ducato Maxi Chassis 2.3 MJ, 4035 mm wheelbase Chassis20118
Fiat Ducato Maxi chassis 35 L5 160 Multij Other vans/trucks up to 720071
Fiat Ducato Maxi chassis 40 L5H1 180 Mult Other vans/trucks up to 720111
Fiat Ducato Maxi chassis with double cab Three-sided Tipper201110
Fiat Ducato Maxi COOL CAR THERMO KING! Refrigerator box200415
Fiat Ducato MAXI DOKA 180 PLATFORM POWER L5 Stake body201211
Fiat Ducato Maxi DOKA PLATFORM / / 1.HAND / / Stake body20009
Fiat Ducato MAXI double cab 35 L4 130MJ Stake body20113
Fiat Ducato Maxi Double Cab L4-5 € MJ130 climate Stake body20111
Fiat Ducato Maxi Flatbed / tarpaulin with sleeper cab Stake body and tarpaulin201211
Fiat Ducato Maxi Flatbed DOKA 35L5 120MJ Stake body20117
Fiat Ducato Maxi Flatbed Doppelk. 35 L5 130 Multijet Stake body20119
Fiat Ducato Maxi Furgon Other vans/trucks up to 720113
Fiat Ducato Maxi Grossr.-box 35 120 (R: 4035 mm H Box-type delivery van - long20113
Fiat Ducato MAXI JET AIR 2.3 M H3 L5 Other vans/trucks up to 7200911
Fiat Ducato Maxi Kabina Other vans/trucks up to 720115
Fiat Ducato Maxi Kabina Box20112
Fiat Ducato Maxi Kabina - 8 palet Box20111
Fiat Ducato Maxi KAWA 35L5H2 120MJ Box-type delivery van - high and long20113
Fiat Ducato Maxi KAWA 35L5H2 120MJ air freight forwarding Box-type delivery van - high and long20113
Fiat Ducato Maxi L2H1 160 with APC \u0026 Tachographs Box-type delivery van - long200814
Fiat Ducato Maxi L2H2 160 MJEEV Box-type delivery van - high20115
Fiat Ducato Maxi L2H2 2.3 M-JET DPF KM0!! Other vans/trucks up to 720117
Fiat Ducato Maxi L2H2 35 MJ 120 COLD WINTER CONVERSION camera Refrigerator box200915
Fiat Ducato Maxi L2H2 40 HKW climate Box-type delivery van - high and long20094
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4 251.BC2.0 288 Other vans/trucks up to 7200710
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4 251.BD2.0 +288 (250/251) Stake body20116
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4 H2 = 125L air tank Box-type delivery van - high and long201111
Fiat Ducato MAXI L4 H2 Rückfahrkammera Box-type delivery van - high and long200814
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 120 air, heater, TOP Box-type delivery van - high and long200815
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 120 M-Jet Air-conditioning, forwarders Box-type delivery van - high and long20118
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 2.3 JTD 88kw Box-type delivery van - long20089
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 251.BG2.0 Box-type delivery van200912
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 251.BG2.0 Box-type delivery van - high20119
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 251.BGM.0 Box-type delivery van - high20104
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 3.0 liters MJTD 180 E 5 Automatic Box-type delivery van - high and long201112
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 3.0MJ 160 16 +1 Clubbus200911
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 35 No. 16 B Box-type delivery van - high and long200714
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 box 35 wide-body 120 Multijet Box-type delivery van - high and long201210
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 DPF 251.BG2.0 Box-type delivery van - high20117
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 Euro 5 130 MJ Kawa Box-type delivery van - high20111
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 Greater van 35 120 MJET Box-type delivery van - high and long20115
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 Greater van 35 120 Mult Box-type delivery van - high and long20114
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 insulated box orig.47Tkm Euro4 Refrigerator box200711
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 Kawa 35 Nat-Pow. Natural gas Box-type delivery van - high and long20114
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 Klimaa. NAVI car factory Statts Box-type delivery van - high and long200915
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 long and high / LKW-Kasten/120PS Box-type delivery van - high and long200710
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H2 Multijet 35 120 173 Tkm Box-type delivery van - high and long200711
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H3 3.0 multi-jet Box-type delivery van - high and long20117
Fiat Ducato Maxi L4H3 FURGON Other vans/trucks up to 720115
Fiat Ducato MAXI L5 160 MJ / heater-air Stake body20115
Fiat Ducato MAXI L5 160 MJ / heater-air Stake body and tarpaulin20115
Fiat Ducato Maxi L5 251.CC3.0 288 Other vans/trucks up to 720112
Fiat Ducato Maxi L5 DPF 251.CC8.0 288 Other vans/trucks up to 720113
Fiat Ducato Maxi L5 DPF 251.HC7.0 288 Other vans/trucks up to 720102
Fiat Ducato Maxi L5 H3 MJ130 climate € 5 Box-type delivery van - high and long20119
Fiat Ducato Maxi l5 H3 MJ180 climate € 5 Box-type delivery van - high and long20111
Fiat Ducato Maxi L5H1 130ps DoKa Stake body20118
Fiat Ducato Maxi L5H1 3.5 T 130ps pickup Stake body20115

2201-2300 of 3353 Results on page 23
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