Fiat Bravo - Stake body and tarpaulin | Fiat |  |
Fiat Bravo - Estate - minibus up to 9 seats | Fiat |  |
Fiat Bravo - Box-type delivery van - high and long | Fiat |  |
Fiat Bravo - Car carrier | Fiat |  |
Fiat Bravo - Box-type delivery van - high | Fiat |  |
Fiat bravo 2.8 idTD extra-high box truck - Box-type delivery van - high | Fiat |  |
Fiat Duacto 2.8Diesel 3 seater / org.137.000TKM - Box-type delivery van | Fiat |  |
Fiat DUCATO - Other vans/trucks up to 7 | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato - Baker - mobile market by RKB - Traffic construction | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato / Doka / tipper / org. 92 tkm - Three-sided Tipper | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 1.9 TD platform (4.4 t) * 1.Hand / 107Tkm * - Stake body | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 1.9D truck ADMISSION - Box-type delivery van - high | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 1.9TD Platform | 2.Hand | AHK | 3-seater | Power - Stake body | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 10 truck-Perm., Trailer hitch, high - Box-type delivery van - high | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 14 - Box | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 14 2.8 D UP LONG MAXI original KM - Box-type delivery van - high and long | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 14 2.8 I.D.TD - Stake body | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 14 van Long High - Box-type delivery van - high and long | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 15 seater 2.8 1.Hand!! - Clubbus | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 18 2.8 15-seater air-i.d.TD - Clubbus | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.0 * 9-seater, refueling for 1.00 € * - Estate - minibus up to 9 seats | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.5 D IZOTERMA / CHLODNIA. / AGREGAT - Refrigerator box | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.5D * High + Medium * TÜV / Au: 3/2012 * - Box-type delivery van - high and long | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 D - L2, H1 - Box-type delivery van - long | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 D 100 KM BRYGADÓWKA - Box | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 D long-bedroom cabin * excellent condition * - Box-type delivery van - long | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 D Platform - Stake body | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 D, High Cross. Maxi - Box-type delivery van - high and long | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 double cab - Stake body | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 i.d.TD Thermo King refrigeration - Refrigerator body | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 IDTD chłodnia! - Refrigerator body | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 JTD - Refrigerator body | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 JTD - Stake body | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 JTD - Estate - minibus up to 9 seats | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 JTD Cross High - Box-type delivery van - high | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 JTD EURO3 - Estate - minibus up to 9 seats | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 JTD Maxi tow Autotranspor - Breakdown truck | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 JTD Tipper * AHK * - Tipper | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 L - Stake body and tarpaulin | Fiat |  |
Fiat Ducato 2.8 TD I.D (hitch) - Stake body | Fiat |  |
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