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Commercial Vehicles >> Years list >> 1989
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1989 Year Commercial Vehicles

DAF 2500 - ChassisDAF3
DAF 2500 6X4 PUMI 26 - Concrete PumpDAF8
DAF 2500 TURBO - Standard tractor/trailer unitDAF2
DAF 2500 Turbo Intercooler - Roll-off tipperDAF14
DAF 95 310 - Truck-mounted craneDAF7
DAF 95 380 ATI 6X4 - TipperDAF4
DAF 95 ATI 380 - Roll-off tipperDAF5
DAF 95 ATI HOLOWNIK ABSCHLEPWAGEN truck-bus - Breakdown truckDAF5
DAF ATI 95-310 Platform - Stake bodyDAF3
DAF Car Transporter - Car carrierDAF7
DAF FA 1700 Turbo! PERFECT CONDITION! - Hydraulic work platformDAF9
DAF VACUUM TRUCK 1900 turbo - Vacuum and pressure vehicleDAF5
DAF Ya 1900 440 4x4 - Stake bodyDAF3
Demag Compressor \ - Other construction vehiclesDemag6
Demag DF 60 C Vögele - Road building technologyDemag6
Demag SC 100 DS - Other construction vehiclesDemag6
Deutz-Fahr 34.80 M - Combine harvesterDeutz-Fahr5
Deutz-Fahr D 4507 cabin Front power - TractorDeutz-Fahr3
Deutz-Fahr DX 6.30 * FTA + DL +40 km / h * - TractorDeutz-Fahr5
Deutz-Fahr DX 6.5 - TractorDeutz-Fahr5
Deutz-Fahr Dx-wheel 4:50 - TractorDeutz-Fahr5
Dinkel tarpaulin - TrailerDinkel4
Doll Armed Forces Army Army - PlatformDoll4
Doll D20 - Low loaderDoll5
Doll Long trailer for transport of material - Long material transporterDoll9
Doll Tang platform to 18.8 m for wood / steel - PlatformDoll9
Doll Timber transport (M135M102) Langholz self-steering - Timber carrierDoll5
Eberhardt D553M110 Scholl with crackers - PloughEberhardt5
Faun 155 A 6x6 - GraderFaun5
Faun O \u0026 K 13010 - Wheeled loaderFaun8
Faun O \u0026 K D23 2 FAUN - Other construction vehiclesFaun5
Faun RTF 30 - Truck-mounted craneFaun9
Feldbinder KIP 45.3 Aluminum Kippsilo 45m ³ for spillage - SiloFeldbinder9
Feldbinder KIP 50.03 * * ABS * Dual PTO luftgefeder - SiloFeldbinder8
Feldbinder KIP 50.03 50m ³ * * * BPW air suspension axles * - SiloFeldbinder8
Feldbinder KIP 57.3 - SiloFeldbinder3
Feldbinder KIP 60.3 - Tank bodyFeldbinder6
Fella TH 520 - Haymaking equipmentFella5
Fendt 240 S - TractorFendt4
Fendt Farmer 311 LSA TURBOMAT - TractorFendt5
Fiat BI 20 CL ​​LPG, Telescopic mast, side shift - Front-mounted forklift truckFiat6
Fiat Bravo - Other buses and coachesFiat6
Fiat DUCATO \ - Traffic constructionFiat15
Fiat Ducato 2.5 D - Stake body and tarpaulinFiat7
Fiat Dukato 2.5D platform - Stake bodyFiat8
Ford Asquith Oldi bus .. € 47,000 ** Net ** - ClubbusFord15
Ford Cargo 0813 \ - Stake body and tarpaulinFord8
Ford F350 XLT Lariat 4x4 Single Cab - Stake bodyFord9
Ford Transit - ClubbusFord5
Ford Transit ambulances FT100L 5-seater 4-beds - Box-type delivery van - high and longFord15
Fortschritt A 323-ZT - TractorFortschritt5
Fortschritt A215 in trolley with 9m AB - SeederFortschritt5
Fortschritt E 303 swather - ReaperFortschritt5
Fortschritt E517 - Combine harvesterFortschritt6
Fortschritt Grobgrubber / subsoiler - Harrowing equipmentFortschritt5
Fortschritt HT 140 - Farmyard tractorFortschritt5
Fortschritt K730 Kartoffelsortieranl. Screening - Harvesting machineFortschritt6
Fortschritt MDV E 514 - Combine harvesterFortschritt7
Fortschritt MTS 550 - TractorFortschritt3
Fortschritt MTS 570 - TractorFortschritt5
Fortschritt nt 323 - TractorFortschritt5
Fortschritt Rake E 303 - ReaperFortschritt15
Fortschritt Windrowers E 303 with Case Trommelmähwerk - Haymaking equipmentFortschritt3
Freightliner 6x4 - Standard tractor/trailer unitFreightliner2
Freightliner Western Star 4942S, U.S.. Show Truck - Other semi-trailer trucksFreightliner3
Gehl SL 1620 - Wheeled loaderGehl2
General Trailer MONTENEGRO - TipperGeneral Trailer9
Groenewegen DRO 12-272 - PlatformGroenewegen6
Groenewegen ROS-12-10 PCB - Refrigerator bodyGroenewegen6
Groenewegen vlak uitschuifbaar containerchassis 20 30 40 vo - Swap chassisGroenewegen4
Grove AT 400 E 4X4 - Breakdown truckGrove5
Grove AT 865 - Truck-mounted craneGrove2
Grove PPM 280 ATT - Truck-mounted craneGrove8
Gutbrod 4200 - TractorGutbrod5
Hako 2000 V Hakotrak - Komunaltraktor - Snow Blade - Other agricultural vehiclesHako6
Hako 2300D + with brush spreader - TractorHako5
Hako 2700 DA KRG wheel loader Powershift - TractorHako5
Hamm 2201 - RollersHamm9
Hamm 2310 SD - RollersHamm7
Hamm 2311SD - Compaction technologyHamm3
Hamm 2311SD - RollersHamm6
Hanix 260-2 - Mini/Kompact-diggerHanix7
Hanomag 44 D - Wheeled loaderHanomag7
Hanomag 55D - Wheeled loaderHanomag3
Hanomag 70 E - Wheeled loaderHanomag13
Hanomag D600DS - DozerHanomag6
Heinemann open box - TrailerHeinemann5
Heinemann Z 1620 - TrailerHeinemann5
Heinemann Z7524/13H with side panels - TrailerHeinemann4
Hendricks 22 500 liters gummed acid corrosive substances - Tank bodyHendricks5
Hendricks Cleves - BoxHendricks10
Hendricks Top-bottom loading full program - Tank bodyHendricks11
Hitachi Euclid R85B dumper dumper - Other construction vehiclesHitachi8
Hitachi UE 40, mini-excavators, 4 tons, steel chain, TL, GL - Mini/Kompact-diggerHitachi5
HKM box-opener - TrailerHKM5
HKM TAV 303 - Low loaderHKM4
Hoffmann R. Glass Box Anh.offener - TrailerHoffmann5
Holder C 20 - TractorHolder14
Holder HOLDER C500 - me lots of accessories! - Other agricultural vehiclesHolder10
HRD 24 - Low loaderHRD7

101-200 of 1012 Results on page 2
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