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Commercial Vehicles >> Years list >> 2012
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2012 Year Commercial Vehicles

Lamborghini TYM T273 - TractorLamborghini3
Landini 1-25h - TractorLandini3
Landini 6550 r - TractorLandini5
Landini LANDINI - TractorLandini4
Landini motocultor motosapa tractor gradina cu remorca - Orchard equipmentLandini3
Landini Tractor de vanzare - TractorLandini1
Landini tractor in foarte stare buna - TractorLandini5
Landsberg 2 furrow plow - Harrowing equipmentLandsberg4
Landsberg Front loaders for John Deere - Front-end loaderLandsberg3
Landsberg Frontloader - Front-end loaderLandsberg2
Landsberg Grupper - Harrowing equipmentLandsberg2
Landsberg LH 290 R6 - Loader wagonLandsberg3
Landsberg Zwischenfruchtsägerät - SeederLandsberg2
Lansing ... - Front-mounted forklift truckLansing5
Lansing EDP ​​11th 5C/16 - Low-lift truckLansing4
Lansing Harant - High lift truckLansing5
Lansing Linde ant / high-lift truck - High lift truckLansing2
Lanz 15/30 HR 5 - TractorLanz5
Lanz 415 - TractorLanz5
Lanz Aulendorf - TractorLanz5
Lanz Aulendorf Hela D538s Schmallspurschlepper - TractorLanz4
Lanz Buldog 25 sprawny ciągle pracuje w polu - TractorLanz5
Lanz Bulldog 25 hp hot bulb Typ7506 - TractorLanz3
Lanz D2416 - Other agricultural vehiclesLanz2
Lanz d3506 - TractorLanz3
Lanz D5006A - TractorLanz5
Lanz Originals LANZ thresher - TractorLanz2
Lanz Potato spinner to choose from LK 20 - Other substructuresLanz11
Lanz Tractor - TractorLanz5
Lely 3m power harrow - Harrowing equipmentLely5
Lely 520 Stabilo - Haymaking equipmentLely2
Lely 675 - Haymaking equipmentLely2
Lely Kreißelegge with roll, 3m - Harrowing equipmentLely3
Lely Nordsten CLP 30 / harrow - SeederLely7
Lely Terra 300-33 - Harrowing equipmentLely3
Lemken 15/270 - Harrowing equipmentLemken2
Lemken 2-furrow reversible plow OPAL - PloughLemken2
Lemken 3 Schar Betpflug Stable Top - PloughLemken2
Lemken 3 Schar hydraulic - PloughLemken2
Lemken 30/90 c - PloughLemken4
Lemken Agate 3/9 - Harrowing equipmentLemken4
Lemken Easily Opal - Harrowing equipmentLemken5
Lemken Emerald 3m Schälgrubber, Randscheiben - Harrowing equipmentLemken5
Lemken Emerald 9 to 3.90 meters - Harrowing equipmentLemken2
Lemken Emerald UE 9 - 470, stone protection, hydr. Hinged - Harrowing equipmentLemken4
Lemken Opal 110 4-furrow plow - Harrowing equipmentLemken5
Lemken Opal 3 hydraulic coulter Full Turn - PloughLemken2
Lemken Opal 3 sharp plow - PloughLemken2
Lemken Opal140-N88 - Harrowing equipmentLemken4
Lemken Plug 2 skibowy obrotowy - PloughLemken3
Lemken Reversibil 3 Cormane - PloughLemken5
Lemken RUBIN U 9/300 - Harrowing equipmentLemken4
Lemken smaragt - Harrowing equipmentLemken2
Lemken VarioPack WEP 110 with trailer - Harrowing equipmentLemken5
Liebherr 541 - Wheeled loaderLiebherr3
Liebherr Arm - Other substructuresLiebherr4
Liebherr FB 727D - Construction craneLiebherr1
Liebherr Grippers with rotary servo (mobile \u0026 crawler excavator) - Other substructuresLiebherr6
Liebherr R 904 HDSL Litronic - Caterpillar diggerLiebherr8
Linde Continental engine for Linde - Front-mounted forklift truckLinde3
Linde E25 - Reach forklift truckLinde7
Linde H 16 D - Front-mounted forklift truckLinde6
Linde H 18 triplex - Front-mounted forklift truckLinde4
Linde H 25 D duplex mast side shift - Front-mounted forklift truckLinde15
Linde H 45 D - 600 / side shift and fork positioner - Front-mounted forklift truckLinde10
Linde H 60 D - Front-mounted forklift truckLinde12
Linde H35D - Reach forklift truckLinde9
Linde H35D-393 forklift perfect for junkyard - Front-mounted forklift truckLinde12
Linde H40 - Reach forklift truckLinde11
Linde H80D-900 - Front-mounted forklift truckLinde2
Linde L12 - High lift truckLinde6
Linde Linde H 80 - Front-mounted forklift truckLinde4
Linde Obrotnica Thurs wózka widłowego - High lift truckLinde4
Linde Rockinger trailer hitch - Front-mounted forklift truckLinde8
Linde Snow plow, 2m wide and swivel - Front-mounted forklift truckLinde9
Linde Wózek widłowy linden H25D 1995 - Front-mounted forklift truckLinde2
Luck Lück STP 35 - Low loaderLuck5
Mack rs - Refuse truckMack1
Magirus Deutz Jupiter crane - TipperMagirus Deutz15
Magyar Cisterna Chemiczna - Tank bodyMagyar5
MAN 12 180 ER ABROLLKIPP JNT 7T-ALL-NEW EURO5 - Roll-off tipperMAN11
MAN 18 340 12 002 4x4 EEV CRANE Palfinger NEW - Three-sided TipperMAN1
MAN 18 340 4x4 / EURO 5 / MEILER - TipperMAN8
MAN 18 340 4x4 / EURO 5 / MEILER - Three-sided TipperMAN8
MAN 18 340 CRANE Tipper 4 x 2 EURO 5 EEV without AdBlue - Three-sided TipperMAN15
MAN 18 340 CRANE Tipper 4 x 2 EURO 5 EEV without AdBlue - TipperMAN15
MAN 18 340 CRANE Tipper 4 x 2 EURO 5 EEV without AdBlue - Truck-mounted craneMAN15
MAN 18 340 CRANE tipper 4x4 Euro 5 EEV - Three-sided TipperMAN15
MAN 19 332 - Other trucks over 7MAN5
MAN 26 340 TGM chassis 6x2/Lift-Lenkachse/ADR - Tank truckMAN13
MAN 26 340 TGM chassis 6x2/Lift-Lenkachse/ADR - Stake body and tarpaulinMAN13
MAN 26 340 TGM chassis 6x2/Lift-Lenkachse/ADR - Stake bodyMAN13
MAN 26 340 TGM chassis 6x2/Lift-Lenkachse/ADR - Refrigerator bodyMAN13
MAN 26 340 TGM chassis 6x2/Lift-Lenkachse/ADR - BoxMAN13
MAN 26 340 TGM chassis 6x2/Lift-Lenkachse/ADR - BeverageMAN13
MAN 26 340 TGM chassis 6x2/Lift-Lenkachse/ADR - Roll-off tipperMAN13
MAN 26 340 TGM chassis 6x2/Lift-Lenkachse/ADR - Swap chassisMAN13
MAN 26 340 TGM chassis 6x2/Lift-Lenkachse/ADR - ChassisMAN13
MAN 26.440 6x2 Euro 5 EEV - Roll-off tipperMAN7
MAN 33.440 6x4, Meiller RK 20.65, o EZ Rent poss. ! - Roll-off tipperMAN5

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